Sunday, 22 June 2014


I am attempting to write stories for the
I will post these on my other blog, so people don't get confused between my usual ramblings & the stories I will write. DGD has requested a story about a lady pirate & DGS has requested a story about a dinner lady with with special powers!


Lyssa Medana said...

Go for it, Go for it, Go for it, Go for it, Go for it, Go for it, go on!

I hope you are getting a good reaction. Link in if you feel like it and enjoy yourself. I think the dinner lady with magic powers has a lot of potential... Lyssa M x

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Lyssa, thank you for your encouragement

Food pantry

I've joined the local food pantry and today I visited for the first time. My daughter took me as it was my first visit and I was worried...