Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Difficult days

My L&M's friend is beyond devastated, we are offering as much support as we can. The work on the house has slowed down until he is on a more  even keel.

We can manage financially until Christmas if we need to, but I think he will feel able to move on physically and mentally after the funeral.

I've now found out that they weren't actually married, I didn't realise this and there is no will, things are turning nasty with the family. Lots of items that he believes are his are actually in her name.

We will go to the funeral, this will be interesting, one of my sisters in law, the one who spat in my face at MIL's funeral?

She worked with the deceased and will also be at the funeral, let's hope she manages to behave with some decorum this time.

I have finished my summer job of feeding cats and fish and watering house plants and gardens. I looked after DD1's dogs Monday and Tuesday as she was out on daytrips and her postie refuses to shut her gate and her dogs have escaped a couple of times.

DD2 phoned this morning, to ask if I could look after her dog for a few days. Her next door neighbour is one of those mad hoarder types, the sort you see on TV. Her house was overrun with rats and they had got into DD's garage. The pest company have been round and laid poison, but DD is worried that her dog, a Jack Russell cross, might catch a poisoned rat.

On Friday DD1 has a Dr's appointment so I am going over to watch her children for an hour.


Frances said...

Hello. I have just popped over from writing a sort of reply to your comment on Cro's blog. I too have a Nissan Note…lovely car. Mu husband washed it last night so I shall love it even more today! Also, having read a few comments on one of your previous posts……..we both seem to share the same first name…Sue!
Hope it all goes well with the husband's friend in the house. Difficult for you all.

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Sue
Welcome and thank you, we will get sorted eventually, I feel so sorry for him, he has been through some tough times over the years.
I love my little Note it is a dream to drive after having such big cars before.
I do enjoy Cro's blog, he is so cheerful.

Margie from Toronto said...

You are being very good friends - and it is a very difficult situation - and probably won't get any easier given the animosity and legal limbo. I swear - weddings & funerals just seem to bring out the worst in people. I hope there are no dramatics at the funeral and that you all get through it unscathed.

50 and counting said...

I always swore I'd never marry again until I realized the amount of things we had together.

So, instead of dealing with lawyers and complicated wills, we got married. Everything is in joint title, so who ever lives the longest gets the lot. Then the wills are simple, to my surviving heirs type.

galant said...

Deaths and lack of wills (or even when there are wills) often bring out the worst in people. So sad for all concerned.
Margaret P

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...