Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Buggering Ebay

So some idiot has opened a case against me on Ebay as the items I posted haven't arrived yet, well that would be because I didn't receive the payment on time.

Obviously I was expected to post off the items without being paid for them.

I hope this won't be a black mark against my Ebay account, I should be ok as the delay in payment is clearly documented.


kelley said...

hope it turns out okay for you...idiot buyers should be banned from eBay...

Eeek said...

Pah. As long as their pay delay is documented it shouldnt be a problem. I though they were supposed to contact you first to resolve any disputes if possible before getting ebay involved? They must be moaning idiots.

Frugal in Bucks said...

I had one exactly the same. Late payment then open d a case the day she paid me. Very weird. Can't be arsed with it again, they seem to ha e th sellers by the short and curlys! Best of luck. X

Lunch club.

As  said before I used to go to lunch club here, I stopped because Steve started shouting at those involved. He had tried to persuade me not...