Friday, 3 March 2017

New vocabulary

It's like learning a foreign language!

Words such as:- Sacrificial anodes. Galvanic isolator. Bilges. Blacking Bow thruster. Cratch. Black water. Winding hole. Gongoozler. Butty.

And descriptions like this. Anser Pins = Steel pins attached, immediately before the stern counter to either or both gunwales of motors and butties to which straps from the stern dollies or studs of both boats can be tightly hooked or shackled when breasting-up, not only keeping the sterns together but also acting as springs and stopping the pair from riding forwards and backwards against each other.

We have the paperwork through to sign for the boat, she will be officially ours from Wednesday, she was renamed when she was out of the water being blacked, she is now called Apostrophe, it's a long story but we wanted a unique name and my beloved is a Frank Zappa fan and his favourite album is apostrophe. She is currently moored in Northamptonshire and we are in Berkshire, we will be bringing her home over the Easter holidays. I will post a list of our mooring places and approximate timings if anyone wants to see us.


Sharon said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to read about your new adventures. The beginning of your blog post seemed like it needed translating lol - couldn't understand a word.

galant said...

I've heard of butty, a little boat isn't it, so you can get to a larger boat? One you tow behind the bigger boat? Or perhaps I'm wrong.
Margaret P

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

We are hoping to be there to wave you off on your journey South, just let me know the date!!

Jaccs said...

Are you leaving from Crick?let me know the date an time etc please )

Heleng said...

Hope all goes to plan. I am so excited for you and can't wait to read all about your life on board.

Hard up Hester said...

I will post the dates as soon as they are confirmed.

Elaine said...

As long as you don't forget to "Splice the main brace" occasionally, you'll be fine. Exciting times!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...