Monday 13 March 2017

Show Boat

We now have all the paperwork connected with our boat, in amongst it there was a copy of a magazine article about our boat.

She was originally built as a show boat in 2006 and shown for the first time in 2007, there are photo's of her a the Beale Park Boat Show, this is just down the road from us.

And in a few weeks we will be bring her back to very near where she was first shown.


Bonnie said...

Yay! A model boat :)

Bonnie said...

Yay! A model boat :)

Rambler said...

Oh how nice to have that record of part of her history. I'm really looking forward to reading your posts when you are living on board. Will you still have to get to work or have you been able to escape from that rat race? (I do hope so!)

Sue said...

That's brilliant, she's coming full circle, right back to her roots.

Diana said...

Obviously meant to be!

Hard up Hester said...

Rambler, I'm hoping to retire soon.

Best off in my pocket.

I received an email from my solicitor saying they owed us £200. Money retained from when we purchased our flat. I've had it paid into my...