Saturday, 25 January 2014


I seem to have been missing in action lately, this has been for a variety of reasons.
Lizzie was released form hospital, eventually the problem was diagnosed & she is getting better, but slowly.
My request for reduced hours at work was refused, but my request for paid compassionate leave to be Helen's birthing partner was agreed.
I'm beyond tired, which is why I requested reduced hours, as my request was refused I have started going to bed at 8, I'm feeling better for it, but it does limit what I get done in the evening & so my blog has suffered as has my knitting & crochet.
I took Norah to gym class yesterday at 4:30, she came back afterwards, ate with us & went to bed at 7 & I followed soon after. This morning we took her home & then collected another DGD & took her with us to the garden centre to buy some Little Gem lettuce seeds & to the aquatic shop to buy water for the fish tank. We treated her to fish & chips & ice cream & then took her home.
It's been a long time since our last payday on 20th December, we don't get paid until 30th but despite the length of time, plus Christmas, two of the DGD's having birthdays before payday & repairs needed to the PC we still have over £100 left in the bank account after yesterdays shop, when I bought a few reduced items, a head of broccoli, a packet of crumpets & a packet of pain chocolate for Norah's breakfast. I still need to buy milk but I don't need anything else.
I'm making two batches of soup tomorrow, broccoli & cheese using the reduced broccoli & some cheese leftover from Christmas, I'm also making minestroni with a bag of bacon scraps from the freezer & I have all the other ingredients needed. These are for my lunches next week and I need to make some ready meals for my L&M's lunches too.


Pam said...

It is a shame that you can not reduce your hours, early nights for a while may perk you up a bit. Then perhaps you could go to some early some normal nights. Soup is a wonderful way to gt the most out of your ingredients and your body can take up the nutrients more efficiently. Win Win.

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto
Glad to hear that you are well and that Lizzie is recuperating. You are wise to look after yourself and have those early nights as needed. You will need your rest before the twins arrive!
You have done well with your grocery shopping - I have only bought milk, bread, fruit & veg since before New Year's - trying to use up my stockpile - can't believe how much I still have left. Take care of yourself.

Janice said...

I'm so glad I found your new blog. I used to read your old one and was so disappointed when you disappeared. Someone (can't remember who) mentioned you on another blog and said that you were back blogging but as Snitty Kitty. I'm sure it was disappointing when your employer wouldn't agree to reduced hours. Can you job share or move to another school? Don't know what the situation is over there regarding those kinds of job opportunities. I retired from the school board here after 27 years, almost 3 years ago. I have to say I don't miss it one little bit!! I'll be following you on Bloglovin' so I wont miss any of your posts.\

frugal freesia said...

So glad to hear Lizzie is improving. Not so good about your request at work being turned down, maybe you could put in another request in a month or two?

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...