Monday, 24 March 2014

No waste

I defrosted 500gms of minced beef, then in my large pan I softened a finely sliced onion & 6 rather sad looking quartered mushrooms. To this I added a handful of oats, dried herbs, an oxo cube, a squirt of tomato puree & the defrosted minced beef. Once the beef was cooked & added the leftover veg & gravy from a previous meal. Last time I was preparing potatoes I peeled, cooked & mashed extra & kept it in the fridge.
I now have 2 cottage pies & 4 portions of bolognese sauce in the fridge/freezer, 4 days when I don't need to cook when I get in from work all in less than half an hour.


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto
Did something similar yesterday - portions of shepherds pie from less than a pound of ground lamb. Added lentils and carrots, peas & corn along with a squirt of HP, worcestershire sauce & soy. Made extra mashed potatoes and had some tonight with the last bit of chicken. Did carrots & broccoli in a mustard sauce for veg and made extras that I'll have tomorrow night with a slice of the corned beef that I also cooked yesterday! Eventually I get a night off from cooking anything and just have to reheat!

Jo said...

We often cook extra too so that a meal is ready really quickly in the evening. It also helps to keep the energy bills down. Win, win, I think : )

Linda Metcalf said...

It's so nice to have a ready to heat up meal and save on the cooking time....and possibly relax!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...