Saturday, 19 April 2014

Dress 1 finished


Anonymous said...

Well done you! With the warmer weather starting it will be great to wear to work and keep you looking cool and smart. I like the pattern -was it quite simple to make? I would love to try making some clothes again as I can't find things I like so end up in trousers and a top yet again. Catriona

Hard up Hester said...

I can't wear trousers or skirts so I'm stuck with dresses. the pattern was fairly simple, just the pleats around the neck were a bit fiddly.

Anonymous said...

its lovely!!!!! first time visiting here,

Hard up Hester said...

Welcome Laurie

Angela said...

That looks cool [in every sense!]

Hard up Hester said...

I'm hoping it will be cool, it gets really hot in my room at work.

Linda Metcalf said...

It's just lovely! With a blazer that would be a perfect Easter dress! Wonderful job.

Sol said...

wow that is really nice. The detail at the neckline is lovely. I wish I could make things like this. you have a real eye for it

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