Thursday, 17 April 2014

It's only a bargain if you get what you want

My L&M went to the garden center today, we had £9 of vouchers, we needed to spend them before they expired. On the way home we decided to go for a pub lunch, we always like to keep our eyes peeled for a good deal. This time we went to a local Flaming Grill pub, they do a lighter bites menu, £4.99 a head for a main course & dessert. I chose scampi & chips & profiterole, my L&M chose sausage & mash & profiterole. We arrived at the pub at 12.15 & our main course arrived fairly promptly, at 2.30 we were still waiting for our dessert, despite several reminders. Unfortunately we were sat next to a family that would have made great candidates for the Jeremy Kyle show, as all they talked about, loudly, was all the family members they had had punch ups with.We gave up and walked out without dessert, I have emailed a complaint, but I'm not really expecting a reply.
I have finally managed to get some sewing done, hopefully I'll get both dresses finished over the weekend.


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - how annoying - on both accounts. Why do so many people behave that way these days? If the mgmt had had any gumption then they would have asked them not to disturb others or to leave - but - not likely I suppose since they couldn't even manage proper service! Still - letting everyone know about their failings on your blog is probably the best revenge!

Linda Metcalf said...

Been there done that...rude people. Can't wait to see the sewing...I'm always amazed by others home makes!

Eeek said...

I think a poor review but fair review on Trip Advisor may be in order! I have luckily always got a response on TP from the company or restaurant.

Shame. Not worked for everyone though. 2.5 hrs to wait for desert is a long time.

Food pantry

I've joined the local food pantry and today I visited for the first time. My daughter took me as it was my first visit and I was worried...