Saturday 9 April 2016

Captain Panicky sails the seven seas!

Well the Oxford/Grand Union/Ashby canals at least!

We had a lovely lunch at the Bridge at Napton on Saturday, the pub is on the canal side right by a winding hole.

The winding holes (pronounced wind as in fart, not wind as in clockwork) are the only places where you can turn a narrowboat around on a canal as most of them are considerably wider than the canals.

We picked up the Black Prince boat Diana from Wigrams Turn Marina about 2ish and after some training from the lovely Rory we set off.

My L&M soon mastered the controls and eventually was persuaded to emulate the speed of Fred Dibnah rather than Stirling Moss.


TrishWish said...

That sounds like fun!

Unknown said...

Have a lovely time "because your worth it"

Best off in my pocket.

I received an email from my solicitor saying they owed us £200. Money retained from when we purchased our flat. I've had it paid into my...