Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Fecking BMV readings

As he was on the day shift most of last week and this  my beloved charged me with taking the solar readings. He has even printed of a chart for me to fill in, much to my joy and delight, as you may imagine!

Upon his return home he perused the charts and sometimes mentions that the reading aren't taken as regularly as he would like. As I have cleaning to do and childcare duties I feel this is understandable.

The other thing he was asking repeatedly was ' what were you doing when you took this reading? It's very high/low. '
I explained that when I took that specific reading, I was taking the reading, I am unable to work my sewing machine or anything else simultaneously.
This of course was not really acceptable.

Eventually I told him where he could shove his chart, preferably sideways and peace reigns once more!


cumbrian said...

A case of OCD?

kate steeper said...

dont go there...lol ...bleedin sunspot cycles , Mr Bah Humbugs latest craze , he falls asleep on and off all day then blames me because i havent listened and noted them down ...aaarrggghhhh

Hard up Hester said...

Cumbrian, no not OCD, just PITA!

Kate, what is it with men and their obsessions.

Winters End Rambler said...

Men are from Mars....women are from Venus springs to mind! x

bbarna said...

Yes, whatever is with them...when I want something done, generally speaking , I just do it. When he decides to do something, he needs an assistant. Someone to hold the tools, steady the ladder, clean up the mess. I think it became more noticeable when the children grew up and left, as he used to get them to help...now it is just me. Acckkk!!!!

Elaine said...

...but how come you're not as interested and committed as he is? ;-)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Good for you - I am glad to hear you are endorsing equal rights for men and women.

maureenlthompson said...

ditto to bbarna and the other commenters. Men!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Haha, that did make me chuckle. I think I would be telling my husband where to place such readings too!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...