Monday, 19 August 2024

Silence is golden.

After y'day when Steve ranted and bitched non-stop all day mainly about immigration, today we are having a day of silence. 

I've no idea why he is silent but I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. He isn't sulking because he doesn't do that quietly, maybe he's found a new book on his kindle to read. I have downloaded a few new cheap books lately,  99p for a few hours silence is a good price to pay.

I try to keep my eye out for books by good authors that are on special offer.

Neither of us can see well enough to read physical books so we rely on our kindles.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness; I couldn't keep going on and on if I was being ranted at day after day after day, year after year. Period. I would have to say, SHUT THE F UP or GET THE F OUT. Now I can say that because lease in my name, utilities in my name, all my employment checks (I am 66 1/2 and still working full time by choice) go straight into MY bank account. And pretty much my ex-husband (who suffered a nervous breakdown and some medical issues from prior military service [PTSD] I have GRACIOUSLY allowed to live in MY home so he wouldn't be homeless [because while we are no longer married, and haven't been since 1989, and we both had other spouses, when we both became single a 2nd time we became friends, not lovers, and when he had his difficulties my heart would not let him be homeless. He does the housework, he helps with cooking but he can be a pill at times and I have to shout him down now and then and remind him he has a HOME and internet and a cell phone I provide and food I provide and heating and cooling I provide and allow him to sometimes use my car AND TO SHUT THE F UP OR GET THE F OUT . That usually keeps him quiet for several years, though he gets pretty put out right after I say it.... Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

Corinne said...

Enjoy the peace while it lasts!
I get a daily email from Bookbub, which shows me 99p and free kindle books. I signed up and clicked on the genres I like so the recommendations are tailored to me. You might find a few more books he would like! 😉

Patti said...

In the states there is a website called bookbub. Each day they send an email about cheap kindle books, and there is often a free one. Maybe you can access that site.

flis said...

Whilst in a queue earlier today in the card factory there was an elderly couple in front of me ( well a bit older than me) I heard the man muttering and then a bit louder - The lady who looked drained turned around and said to me quietly " he's always moaning" I replied " mine's the same " She smiled and said " is he? " - I said " Yes and I think there's a lot of them like it " - She hurried away after him ,turned around to me and said " He never waits for me " x

Eassylifes said...

t sounds like you’re finding a bit of peace and quiet amidst the noise! It’s great that you’ve discovered some new reads at such a good price. I hope Steve is enjoying a new book or just taking a well-deserved break.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...