Friday, 2 August 2024

Justifiable homicide!

How I refrained from murdering Steve y'day i'll never know. He spent the entire day ranting over and over about the same subject.

I tried explaining to him that he needed to stop but he claims that he needs to get things off his chest.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, he just gets more and more worked up the more he rants. I get thoroughly exhausted by it.

It's not as though he rants about something that affects him directly, he will find something in the news or online to rant about and off he goes.

I lost my temper eventually and told him to STFU. He then reduced his volume to a mumble. I buried myself in a Harry Potter film for a bit of escapism.

RAMBLER, Steve isn't eligible for pension credit as he has our savings to spend. 

I'm capable of managing on my pension, I even manage to save a little, but I don't smoke and rarely drink. I never go to the hairdressers and I don't shop for pleasure, just for necessities. Steve likes to think he's in charge of our finances and used to insist on paying all the bills. I used to pay for the food shopping but Steve decided to take it over and now spends between £160 and £180 a week. I think this is excessive but it's his choice.


Anonymous said...

£180 a week on food for just the two of you and a dog!! Good grief.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

That is ridiculous, I do not spend that in a month for the two of us. I presume a majority is on beer and takeaways? Are the savings in joint names? I presume he would go ape s*** if you were able to move some of it, after all it is both your savings. I realise his stroke has made his controlling behaviour worse.One wonders what he will do when the money runs out. Make sure he cannot get access to your savings, he would waste that too.I am so sorry you are having to go through this. You do not deserve it.

Mo said...

Hi Hester, you more than qualify for AA (Attendance allowance) with your sight and hearing problems; if you are not already claiming this;it is not means tested; if you are unable to fill out the forms tell them or perhaps your daughter will do it for you then you will have four hundred pounds a month to add to your income, good luck, regards Mo.

Janet Evans said...

Applying for the Attendance Allowance is a very good idea, but not everybody gets the maxiumum amount. My Dad gets about £65.00 per week and he is 95. It is paid into his Bank Account each month. He uses it to pay the gardener etc.
I filled out the form on his behalf, so maybe your daughter could help you and your husband would not need to know about it. It would give you a little more security.

Chris said...

It is rather a lot, I thought my hubby ordered too much but we don't often have food left over.

Anonymous said...

How in the world could two elderly people and one dog eat that much food a week?
He's burning through your joint savings account?
Then you need to remove half into an account he cannot access.
It's complete insanity to allow this to happen to you honey. What's going to happen when the moneys all gone. Please,please do something to save yourself.
Steve needs a mental health consult .
Sitting about ranting is proof of that.
So sorry.

Anonymous said...

Do you check the supermarket receipts each time he shops? This should give you a clearer picture of what he spends the money on. You need help to sort this out. Very sorry for the situation you are in.

kate steeper said...

Oh so familiar himself gets bees in his bonnet over the strangest things and he shouts because his volume control isnt there any longer but his worst days are when what he thinks hes saying comes out as word salad , nothing to be done im afraid men

Lynda said...

Please take half of your savings and transfer it to an account of your own….he has no right to squander your hard earned money. I worry about you.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...