Thursday, 6 February 2025

Lots of treats.

Betty messaged me this morning, she was feeling better and wondered if I'd like to go for Waitrose. I jumped at the chance!

I didn't need anything specific but I bought myself some treats.

From the Deli counter I bought some anchovies and some artichoke hearts. I bought some blue cheese and a bag of pretzels, I also bought some nut bars. I'm now set up for a few days with some yummy treats.


Lyssa Medana said...

That sounds like the best kind of shopping expedition. I hope you have many more.

Ellen D. said...

It's good to have a friend like Betty! Enjoy your treats!

Annabeth said...

Good to hear you managed to get yourself some treats. Enjoy! Lovely Betty is a keeper!

Sue said...

There's nothing better than treat shopping at Waitrose. 😀 Do you have to hide any treats that you buy from Steve?

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