Friday, 7 February 2025

UPF's and MRM.

I don't have to hide my treats from Steve, there is no way Steve would eat any of my food, it's all far too healthy!'

I'm pretty careful about what I eat, I eat vegetables, fruit, pulses and some meat.

I like my food to be recognisable so I don't eat things that are covered in breadcrumbs or other toppings, I think they can be used to cover a multitude of sins.

I read a lot of blogs and websites and I'm frequently amazed by people who think their diet is healthy. I would never claim to have a healthy diet, especially since the idea of what is healthy changes regularly.

Steve is convinced that by buying frozen food and heating it in the air fryer that it hasn't been fried, when it quite obviously has. I do avoid ultra processed food and items made from mechanically recovered meat.

I'm not being sanctimonious,  I don't lecture Steve or anybody else on what they should eat. I'm also far from perfect as I love chocolate biscuits.


Anonymous said...

You sound like a healthy eater. A little of what you fancy does you good and so chocolate biscuits sound perfect. I eat the food that my granny would recognize. I am 77 and she would be 138 if she was still with us. Susan from France (welsh)

Lyssa Medana said...

It sounds like you eat pretty well.

You can't convince people if they don't want to be convinced. I gave up on that a long time ago.

shyleigh said...

I'm trying to eat healthy foods but they are hard to come by in Florida. I'm going to try a farmer's market in the next town as what is in the grocery stores is not good. I have a niece who is vegan and a sister who is vegetarian but we don't live near each other. Most food in our grocery stores are pretty unhealthy with loads of ingredients that aren't allowed in Europe!

Moira said...

I ignore most supermarket aisles I buy fruit, vegetables, meat, plus legumes spices and herbs and ingredients etc to make food. No ready meals sauces etc, one exception is ice cream and mayonnaise but mainly use olive oil. I have a few gadgets like bread maker multicooker blender to make life easier and I most definitely do not slave over a hot stove.

kate steeper said...

himself keeps wittering for an air fryer, not a

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...