Friday, 17 October 2014

Gimme a break

What a week, what with trips to hospital, my L&M's surgery, mastering the art of cleaning & dressing his wounds & then dealing with crap at work. Why oh why don't people ask my advice when they want something unusual doing. Instead of which they decide how they think the job needs doing, make a start, decide it's too much like hard work & then dump the job on me. I managed to get it all sorted, but it would be much easier if I'd done the work from the start.
I left work around 3:30, went to the Dr's to collect a repeat prescription, as usual it took 15 minutes before they tracked it down. From there I went to put petrol in my car, I opted for pay at pump & the machine failed, I got my petrol, but couldn't pay at the pump due to a computer error, neither could I pay at the kiosk as I'd requested 'pay at pump' that too a while to sort out. I went from the petrol station to DD's to collect DGD Eileen, who is staying with us tonight. When I arrived DGD Jojo was screaming her head off, the dog was going loopy & DD was trying to answer the phone & pack a bag for Eileen. I took Jojo, winded her, changed her nappy, sat with Jojo in one arm & mad dog in the other so mad dog calmed down & DD could finish what she was doing. Then I returned Jojo to DD, brought Eileen home with me, she did some gardening with my L&M & played with some of her toys & did some colouring & cutting out. I then served tea, ate tea, opened my present from my L&M (more of this tomorrow). Got a phone call from SIL, he'd gone to work without his keys & was outside his house with one of his DDs, I drove over, let them in, & then came home. Next I changed the dressing on my L&M's feet, washed Eileen's hair as she's got something sticky in it.
I put Eileen to bed, read her a story 'We're going on a bear hunt' it's her favourite. She went to sleep almost immediately after the story so I was able to come downstairs& finally put my feet up around 8:30. I'm going to do an hour's crochet before I go to bed as I need to make some blankies for some forthcoming babies.


Janet said...

Aw, bless, Bear Hunt it grandson no 1's favourite book. He was only 18 months old when he started doing Oh Uh...! Think he is a bright little boy, and I'm pleased to share this grandma experience with you!

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - I'm exhausted just reading this! I don't know how you manage it all some days.

Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Hard up Hester said...

I'd love a relaxing weekend, unfortunately I have to clean & photograph a car & also photograph 2 vacuum cleaners to sell. Roll on half term, when I have treated myself to an oven cleaning man!

Hard up Hester said...

I've just bought a couple of 'Alfie' books & also 'Hungry Caterpiller' just for a change

Sue in Suffolk said...

I was also exhausted reading this, hope your weekend is quieter

Linda Metcalf said...

You need another 12 hours in your day! Hope the rest of your weekend is a bit more relaxed!

 I shall be in bed before midnight so here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year.