Monday, 22 August 2016


I've listed a lot of items on eBay, I have more to list.
You know that thing on eBay where is says 'View other items from this seller'?
If people do they are in for a surprise.
The weird and wonderful assortment of things I'm listing includes a PVC corset dress, an aircon unit, 3 pairs of skiing goggles and some handcuffs.
I'm adding a couple of items a day and some items have watchers so I hope they sell.
I took three pillows round to a neighbour, she can use them for toy stuffing and I found a few more DVD's for the local nursing home.

1 comment:

Frugal in Bucks said...

That sure is assorted. Good luck with the bids!


Y'days lamb was delicious and there is lots left. So today I'm making a stew, I'll use half of the left over lamb and add onion ...