Friday, 25 November 2016

I can't deal with stupid.

I've made a decision, to save my sanity I'm no longer dealing with stupid, I refuse to be patient any more, from now on stupid will be treated as stupid deserves.

On Monday a colleague sent me an email, she wanted a release card printed, these are credit card sized when printed. She is supposed to email me a copy of the wording required. She typed it all on one line as she has trouble finding the return key, there were also 4 spelling mistakes. Usually I would retype this before printing, but she earns 2 or 3 times my salary so why should I, I also printed it in the size required. It was so small it was unreadable!

Twice in the last 6 weeks I have reversed out of my parking space at work and nearly hit a car parked on the yellow hatching. People are told not to park on the hatching as it is there to enable some of us to get out of our spaces. In line with my new policy of not being patient with stupid I asked the car driver if she knew what the hatching was for or if she thought it was a new form of Christmas decoration.


Anonymous said...

I think you should have included the colleague in the previous post too.

As long as you keep a record of the wording and size involved so that there is no come-back on you I would do exactly the same.

Joan (Wales)

Anonymous said...

Agree with everything. I am also getting better at saying nowhen people ask me to do things that are not worthy of my time (I'm a volunteer in various things). Love your style-I think we would get on well should we ever meet! Catriona

galant said...

I actually squawked with laugher at yellow hatching being a new style of Christmas decoration! The trouble is, this sort of stupid is rife, it's everywhere like a blimmin' rash.
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

As I mentioned before "It's hard to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys"


MrsHoppy said...

I think I love you. I am so sick of biting my tongue when I see and hear stupid.

Pam said...

I took your road a long time ago. Life is too short to suffer fools, gladly or not.

Sharon said...

People don't seem to think of others at all. They are so inconsiderate. Probably why people tend to annoy me a lot. I laughed when you said you printed it out exactly as she said.

mobag2 said...

I know exactly what you mean!! I work for a group of surgeons and the things that patients ask sometimes boggles the mind! No personal responsibility! My poor mum with a burst eardrum had a run in with her doctor's receptionist this morning so called her a bitch and was asked to leave the surgery. I think mum got a great deal of satisfaction from finally telling this woman what many in her small country town think of her!! New doctor found and no more dealing with idiots! Sometimes having no filter can be fun lol!
Melissa in Oz

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...