Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Don't feed the Trolls

Thank you to everyone who commented about the troll, trolls are just sad, bored and cowardly, they try to cause upset by being nasty.

If someone posts an unpleasant anonymous comment I usually just ignore it, like I say, I don't feed the troll.

Why not have the balls to say 'My name is.......... and I didn't like what you said'.


galant said...

Hear, hear!
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Well I enjoy your blog, I like your honesty. I also work in a school and can recognise the situations and the same sort of people at your school as are at mine.

Keep blogging and don't let the buggers grind you down!


Margie from Toronto said...

Well said!
Disagreeing with something is one thing but being mean and spiteful just because you can be anonymous is just cowardly.

Lyssa Medana said...

I think you are actually a very good person. Being a good person and having a low threshold for rubbish are not mutually exclusive. x

Hope said...

Your honesty bring us to read your blog. Pathetic individual with artificial smiles hate honesty.

Hope said...

Your honesty bring us to read your blog. Pathetic individual with artificial smiles hate honesty.

rabbitquilter said...

My name is ...... and I LOVE your blog and comments!!!!!

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...