Saturday 13 July 2024


Beano and I went to join some other residents in the garden this afternoon. I didn't stay long as Steve came to join us. He never joins in anything unless I'm there. I find it a bit inhibiting as I know there will be a post mortem when we return home.

Every comment mulled over and found wanting.

It's tedious.


flis said...

How irritating - I know the feeling - Mine will completely take over, show off then be argumentative later if I have words with him - b*****d x

Ana Dunk said...

Oh my dear - please try to shut your mind off it - turn your back and ignore him. If he gets no response - if he has no audience, then he can just wander off by himself spouting all the nonsense. Do not feed into it by responding.

Chris said...

Seems you cant win, so best do as you're doing.

Eleanor said...

As soon as I saw the heading Aargh I thought "whats he done now". You don't have an easy time with him, thank god for Beano and Betty for a bit of sane company!

Thieving barstewards!

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