Friday, 27 September 2024

Making flapjacks

We have a Macmillan coffee morning here today, I was going to make  brownies but I ran out of enthusiasm, so I made flapjacks instead.

I'm one of only two people who will make cakes of any sort so they will have to do.

It's chilly and windy here this morning so Beano's first walk was more of a sprint than a stroll as he hates getting wet.

We're back home now, Beano has a dog treat and I have a cup of fruit tea.

As it's Friday, Steve is up and pacing, waiting for the shopping to be delivered. It won't be here until around elevenish, but he will pace and panic until it arrives.

We have a Lidl and Aldi at the top of the road so we would not starve if the shopping didn't arrive, but still he panics.


Sooze said...

I'm sure the flapjacks will be enjoyed just as much. Hope the coffee morning goes well.

flis said...

I would take the flapjack myself if I was there - convincing myself it was the healthy option - As unfortunately all my bottom halves of clothing must have been on a hot wash x

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...