Tuesday 15 October 2024

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk after dark. I don't get wound up about what other people do. I buy minimal stuff when I shop. Steve buys shed loads of crap.

For me it's a case of  "You do you, I'll do me ".

I get great pleasure in seeing people enjoying themselves whether it includes plastic crap or not.

Some of my neighbours seem to complain about so much, the garden, which should be a pleasure for everybody is frequently a source of complaints and stress.

They complain about the noise of the children from the nearby school, whereas I like to hear the children playing.


Sue said...

I would have absolutely no problem with the 'plastic tat' if it was to be used over and over ... after all plastic was designed to last forever. It's just that so much is in wheelie bins in the weeks following various celebrations and is then headed off to landfill. I love to hear children playing, it's joyous sitting in the park when I take Mavis for a walk listening to the children in the three play areas, she enjoys it too.

Sooze said...

People who live near a school can hardly complain about kids being noisy when they're playing. It's the same as people who move into a village with a church and moan about the church bells ringing (I love that sound). Or to a farming area and then moan like mad about smells and cows mooing, cockerels crowing etc etc! My husband has a tendency to waste money on cheap stuff that breaks the first time he uses it, because he's such a Scrooge. Whereas I'd rather save up and spend a bit more on quality things that will last.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i too like to hear children playing. At least they are outdoors developing various social skills and not sat by themselves staring at a computer screen. when i lived in England we had a large school nearby in front of which was part of a large park. it did look lovely when the snow fell overnight and was pristine in the morning. However, one person who lived in a house facing the park telephoned the school to complain that all the children crossing the park had spoiled her outlook by walking on the snow! How she thought we (I was a school governor) could stop over a thousand youngsters spoiling her view I have no idea. The park belonged to the whole city not just certain people for their benefit! Some people just love complaining!

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk aft...