Sunday, 20 April 2014


Today I've made:-
Chocolate brownies for my L&M, this is a nice and expensive recipe from my Nigella's Kitchen book, I usually make the Bero recipe as it's much cheaper.

I did a roast leg of lamb for lunch with stuffing balls, yorkies, this beautiful cauliflower from the garden was served with cheese sauce with the outer leaves used instead of cabbage, I also did carrots & roast potatoes & sweet potatoes.

Two loaves proving.

Two loaves cooked, one white the other half & half wholemeal/white, Lizzie arrived with the car as I was serving up, she stayed for lunch  took half of each loaf home with her, along with some of the brownies.


Pam said...

We are about to sit down to roast lamb. The bread looks good as do the brownies, I hope you are enjoying your break.

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Pam
The first week wasn't very restful as Lizzie wasn't very well & we had numerous trips to hospital, the second week was better. Just one more day off, then I'm back to work.

Unknown said...

I've been on my own most of the day so had some toast! I would much rather of had a brownie or two x

Hard up Hester said...

If you lived nearer PIC, I'd pass you one.

Carol said...

Those brownies look good. note to self - must make some (have the Be-Ro book). I've tried cauliflower leaves and don't like them I don't really like spring greens either. Your bread looks very nice and soft. How do you do it?

Hard up Hester said...

I make my bread in my kenwood mixer, I don't have the strength in my hands to knead.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...