An it harm none, do as you will.
Not a bad rule to live by, I try but don't always succeed.
The other Wiccan tenet is the law of threefold return, we believe that every ill a person does returns to them threefold.
I don't believe I am just randomly unkind or spiteful, I try to help people if help is needed.
Unfortunately if someone seriously pisses me off I find it really difficult not to retaliate.
I do find it difficult to understand some people who are unkind, often people who have had a difficult childhood find it hard to be a good parent. Some abusers have been abused and find it hard to break the cycle.
But it's the smaller, petty spite and nastiness that I find really difficult to understand.
My ex MIL loved to cause problems and not just with me, I was NOT the sort of person she wanted her son to marry so she endlessly tried to cause trouble. I could understand her reason for this, but she also tries to cause problems in her siblings marriages and this I can't understand as she loves her brothers and sister.
I am really struggling at the moment with my feelings about a friend of a friend, she is in her 30's has cancer, it is terminal and she will leave 3 little girls orphans when she dies.
What I'm struggling with is her behaviour, before she was diagnosed she was an out and out bitch and did some truly terrible things and caused some very serious problems for people. Including causing one person to lose their job by making false accusations.
I feel I should have sympathy for her suffering, but I'm finding it terribly hard, especially when I'm asked to help with something she needs.