Friday, 18 September 2015

Poverty is relative

One of hubby's colleague brings a packed lunch to work every day and every day his wife puts a cadbury's flake in his lunch box and every day he throws it in the bin, complaining that he doesn't like flakes.
I wonder how much it works out to over a year.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Please can you fish the flakes out of the bin and send them here because I like them!

Janice said...

What a waste! He could at least give them to one of his colleagues. Talk about lack od communication, maybe he should have a word with the wife!

Angela said...

words fail me!

Angela said...

words fail me!

Witch Hazel said...

What an ungrateful sod. His wife makes his packed lunch for him and is kind enough to put in a Flake, and he throws it away! He could make his packed lunch himself and put in whatever he likes. Or he could just say to her that he'd like to have something different, he doesn't have to tell her he doesn't like them.

SandyExpat said...

How silly is that and what a waste of money. Agree with what others said especially Witch Hazel "what an ungrateful sod"

Sol said...

I am such a nerd I had to work that out a 4 pack is £1 a go at the moment in Asda. Taking out the possible 25 days a year. Approximately £60. So your OH could asking him for them before he puts them in the bin. or he could tell his wife he doesnt want them.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...