As expected DGD Eileen woke me during the night and asked my to sleep in her room with her, so I had a disturbed night. She was up just after 5 and we came downstairs to play 'Go Fish'.
I've also done 4 loads of washing, including DGS's uniform for next week.
At 10 am I collected DGD Suzy so SIL could take DGS to his football tournament.
We then drove to DD1's to look after her four whilst she and her DH went house hunting.
I made and served a picnic lunch for 6 children and 2 adults and hung DD1's washing out.
We came home about 1:30 with just 2 DGD's and I hung my washing out, emptied and washed out my bins and vacuumed through.
At 5pm I took packed the DGD's and all their stuff in to my car, drove to where DGD2 works, collected her and dropped them all home.
Whilst I was doing all this I have been sworn at, called stupid, been called an old fart, been called 2 faced, been called a racist!
Why? Because I voted, I always vote, women died to get me the vote and I intend to use it.
I don't like politicians, I think with a few exceptions they are a bunch of overpaid lying wankers.
But I vote, I live in a democracy, I am grateful for that so I vote.
Whenever possible I vote for The Monster Raving Loony Party, if my preferred candidate doesn't win I don't demand a second election. We live in a fucking democracy, if you don't like the result well that's just tough, get over it.
Yesterday I voted, I voted the same way I voted 40 years ago.
Anybody else want to call me names? Just post in the comments and I'll fucking ignore it just like I've ignored all the other insults today.