Tuesday, 7 June 2016

A tidy room and a narrow escape

Yesterday I had help, the lovely and efficient Claire from 'Lets Get Sorted'.
In 2 and a half hours we went from this, I'd been using it as a dumping ground as I sorted out other rooms.

To this.

It's looking so much better, I sorted fabric, cottons to Project Linus, fantasy and glittery ones to a local nursery. We filled a bag for the rubbish bin but most stuff was sent to people and places where it can be used. My next job is to sort the yarn.
And the narrow escape?
Claire told me there are professional declutterers who work on the Marie Kondo system of handling each item to see if it gives you joy. If we'd have done that, we'd have taken a week and not done half as much!


galant said...

My goodness, girl, no wonder you needed to engage professional help! I thought I had a lot of stuff but I can't hold a candle to that lot ... well, I'd not hold a candle to it, that might cause real mayhem! But glad you have now sorted it!
Margaret P

thrift deluxe said...

Wow, great progress in such a short time, well done. It took me nearly a year to declutter my old house, I would not have been able to cope with asking things gave me joy and thanking them for their service.

galant said...

One must remember that this Kondo woman has made of fortune out of this kind of rubbish speak. I just wish I'd thought about writing a book on how to tidy up and arrange my knicker drawer! She's not daft, is she?
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

It's a bit like all the diet books, we all know how to lose weight, it's doing it that takes effort.

Fishcake_random said...

Well done you! And as the parent of a child who has recieved a linus blanket a big thumbs up for giving them fabric :)

kelley said...

fabulous idea getting professional help...otherwise it drags on...good luck with the yarn...

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...