Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Greater love hath no Grandma

Than she takes a five year old Eileen and an eight year old Norah in to town, not only to Smiggle, but also to McDonalds.
And they had a ride on a roundabout and they have come back to my house to play until 3o'clock.
Norah informs me that they are visiting their grandpa on Friday (my ex) and he's got lots more money than me, but I'm nicer!


Poppypatchwork said...

Still laughing, I love Nora

kate steeper said...

love it....the munchkin has just come back from grandad in scotland my ex , his best comment was how come they dont go to work and have lots of money to buy me things

TrishWish said...

Think you win, hands down!

Sue in Suffolk said...

That Nora is a treasure!

Anonymous said...

She's a very astute child is Nora-knows all about value of experiences as opposed to cost of things. You do a great job with all your DGD and they all love spending time with you. Catriona

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...