Friday, 22 December 2017

More weird things to learn

Our new engine has been ordered and should be fitted around 22nd 23rd January. Mind you that could be canal time, in which case it could be February or even July.
We may also have a buyer for our old engine, we will know in the new year.
We have had many visits from very important technical bods, there has been much sucking of teeth and many conversations about pythons and hospitals, I've only just mastered sacrificial anodes and now there is another vocabulary to learn.

We had our black water pumped out before we moved back, hopefully that will last until we move back to the work area to have the new engine fitted.


Sue said...

It's a whole other world you're living in now, lots to learn but very exciting too.

All the very best for Christmas and the New Year. xx

justjill said...

Well I didnt understand any of that! So long as you do. Happy Christmas.

galant said...

Pythons and hospitals? They sound grim! Do explain more ... once you know what they are, of course, ha ha!
Margaret P

The Weaver of Grass said...

Pythons and hospitals? What do you mean? Life on the water sounds rather more exciting than I thought it was.


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...