Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Chortle chortle, snigger snigger.

Yesterday when  I arrived to collect my beloved from work I was an hour too early.

I had done some shopping and some other errands, it didn't seem worth driving home only to turn around and go back. So I popped in to see my old work colleagues, some of whom were more pleased to see me than others.

What really made my day was when I found out that there have been numerous complaints about my replacement.

I did make recommendations to my line manager when I announced my retirement, but of course these were ignored. After all what would I know an out the job, I'd only been doing it for 13 years!

The complaints are not the person concerned but the change and reduction of hours and also the lack of handover which has left my replacement struggling. She is getting no support from her line manager and no support from the company who supplied the crap equipment that is making her life so difficult.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Definitely sounds familiar, bet you waved goodbye with great joy

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Whats new Hester, you spent years complaining about those very things. Bet you are glad to be out of it!!

Anonymous said...

The three sweetest words - "I told you!"



The Weaver of Grass said...

I guess it is the story in so many places of work.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Why is it that it's always people who don't do a job and have never done that job have the biggest say about that job. Stupidity reigns as usual.

cumbrian said...

"Why is it that it's always people who don't do a job and have never done that job have the biggest say about that job. Stupidity reigns as usual."

You took the words from my mouth.

Rambler said...

I feel sorry for your replacement but I hope you take consolation from knowing that those same whining ex-colleagues might now realise how excellent you were in that job and how obliging towards them.. I bet they wished you were still there!
You will enjoy your new life a little bit more now you've been reminded how crap that place was.

Chris said...

That is a sad situation for your replacement. Sounds like she's not getting the support she needs in her new position. Very frustrating for her!

Linda Metcalf said...

Karma :)


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