Sunday, 24 December 2017

Busy weekend

We went to a family wedding, we stayed overnight in the hotel where the reception was held. The room and ensuite were bigger than our entire boat.

All very posh, but the rooms were very hot and we were glad to get home.

 The food was delicious, this was the starter, a terrine.

The main course was chicken.

The Winter Wonderland room where the reception was held.

 There were six bridesmaids, two flower girls and two pageboys, twins four years old, one of them did the best impression of John Cleese silly walk I've ever seen as he walked ahead of the bride scattering petals. This is the sort of thing, for me that makes a wedding special.

The bride and groom.

We went to our room after the meal and before the dancing started at 8:30.
I had a raging ear/tooth/jaw ache and my beloved was pissed as a fart having started drinking at 2 o'clock!


Chris said...

How posh! You are obviously moving in elevated circles. The meal looks delicious. I hope you were able to enjoy it despite your pain.

Hard up Hester said...

I was doped up to the eyeballs on strong painkillers Chris, so I enjoyed the meal but got very tired very early..

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

It all looking very glamorous. Shame you weren't well. Hope you feel better now.

Dc said...

Looks lovely. Your starter was twice the size of our main course out for a meal the other night!

Winters End Rambler said...

Looks amazing x

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Tania, having woken up this morning with my ear glued to my pillow I know know it was earache.

Dc, there was pudding afterwards as well, we were stuffed.

Rambler, it was wonderful.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...