Saturday, 30 December 2017

New year new start

My DD1 had one of her dogs put to sleep in June he had heart failure.

Christmas Eve she had her other dog put to sleep, she had a tumour. She was diagnosed a while ago but was well and happy in herself. Christmas Eve she took a turn for the worse and so they took her to the vets, she died in DD'S arm at 4am.

DD and her husband had a long chat, he feels they need a few dog free months especially since social services are looking to place another child with them in the new year.

Today DD1 emailed me a photo of a rescue dog they are meeting next weekend.

She is a 10 year old staffy bitch who's owner died recently.


Anonymous said...

Oh bless her - we did the same. We were adamant we wouldn't get another dog but the dog-shaped hole in our lives was too much to bear and now the dog we weren't having is cuddled up to be on the settee

Chris said...

Sad for them but that is the problem with dog ownership, the owner will inevitably outlive the animal. I think it admirable that they are going with a shelter dog. It is lucky to find such a loving home.

Linda Metcalf said...

The new doggie needs a home and love...good for them! Shelter dogs need homes so badly these days.

Marjorie said...

I am sorry for her loss but hope the rescue dog is the trick for her. We got our first rescue this summer and she has been joy.

Anonymous said...

Good for them all! We have two sets of friends who adopt “ senior” shelter pets.


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