Tuesday, 4 August 2020


This time I did get chance to look around Abingdon, there are so many beautiful buildings. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos as I had a backpack on and was carrying a carrier bag.  I should have taken pics on my way to the supermarket but I was too busy trying not to get lost. I have no sense of direction so I can struggle to find my way  back to the boat.We

This morning we got a pump out and we are now at Clifton lock, We will stay over night and in the morning set off to Wallingford.


Anonymous said...

Pleased you had a chance to have a look around - we do have some lovely old buildings, and at least it wasn't raining yesterday! Not sure whether you managed to see the Unicorn theatre buildings - these are medieval and quite lovely. If not, maybe another time :-)

Safe travels.

Hard up Hester said...

I missed the Unicorn theatre but I saw many other interesting buildings.

Beano's new bed.

  Beano love his new bed, one side is fluffy and warm, the other side is shiny and cool. Beano is currently enjoying the warm fluffy side.