Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Still here

We're still moored in Newbury though we've not made it to the laundrette yet. Steve is at the chiropractor today so I have a few hours peace and Steve will be in pain and very grumpy tomorrow.

The swans keep tapping on the window for food, there is a lot of them and they can be quite demanding. There are ducks with babies and geese here as well.

Yesterday I saw four hot air balloons drifting overhead.

There is space for us to moor at Victoria park but we decided to stay where we are because one of the boaters at the park is a bloody nuisance. He keeps telling me he's a dog psychologist and keeps tapping Beano on the head and making noises. He claims this makes Angel love him, Beano growls and grumbles!


Col said...

If a supposed dog psychologist tapped my pooch on the head without my permission, I'd be inclined to tap him on the head with a brick!
I'm so sick and tired of self opinionated twerps, I do wish they'd all keep their 'knowledge' to themselves!
Other than that, enjoy your few hours of peace and quiet, and keep well! X

flis said...

Someone here seems to have ongoing disruptions every 3rd day-it can then be tolerated until the next 3rd day-and so it goes in an neverending loop-Mine would go ape if nincompoop did that-and even my lily would high hop backwards x

Lynn Marie said...

Hmm. My dad was a chiropractor. A chiropractic treatment should not leave you in pain; it should leave you feeling improved and renewed.

Debby said...

Your dog psychologist needs a people psychologist.

VC said...

I'd probably be tempted to tap HIM on the head in return to see how he likes it!

Lyssa Medana said...

Poor Beano, subject to a nutter! Please pass on reassuring scritches from me. How annoying that you have to deal with that.

And the swans - they are so difficult sometimes. I suppose they are used to begging. Take care!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...