Saturday, 7 May 2022

Beano makes a friend.

I gave Beano a shower yesterday, much to his disgust but now he is clean and fluffy.

He always stands by the shower when I'm in there, I'd had a couple of attempts to get him in but couldn't get hold of him so I stripped of and got in the shower my self. Once he was lulled into a false sense of security I stepped out grabbed him and have him a wash. Once I q was semi dried and dressed I sat on the back deck in the sun to dry Beano. He sulked for ages but eventually decided to sit on my knee, I'd put a towel on my lap which soaked up most of the water.

We took him for a walk about 5 o'clock, we went along the towpath that is part of a pub garden. There was a mother with a baby sat on the grass. The baby's face lit up at the sight of Beano and he started to crawl towards him. Mum grabbed the baby and I asked if the little one wanted to stroke him. We called Beano over and he stood there wagging his tail while the toddler beamed and patted him. Steve explained that Beano was used to children as we have so many grandchildren.

I always let children pet Beano as he doesn't jump up and he doesn't lick them. Left to his own devices Beano will ignore almost everyone adults and children alike.


Ellen D. said...

Good dog, Beano! It is nice that he behaves well around children.

Lyssa Medana said...

Thank goodness the Mum knew to stop the kid before checking that the dog was safe. I bet Beano looked very dapper after his shower. You are doing something right if he is so chill around a little one.

lindsey said...

Our younger dog was one year old yesterday and is very energetic and friendly. We try to always put her back on her lead when we see children ahead. This is difficult as we live at the seaside and, of course, the beach is usually busy with youngsters enjoying themselves. Better that they stroke her when she is under control. You are lucky that Beano is so good. He sounds just lovely.

Jaccs said...

Your tale of grabbing Beano unawares made me smile, I have this lovely vision of Beano being washed and dried in a whirlwind before he cottoned on what was happening lol, aren’t they lovely when all fluffy and fragrant x

Debby said...

Beano sounds sensible. There are a lot of people who should be ignored.

flis said...

Beano sounds a wonderful dog-children seem to be attracted to little teddy but he can be a bit unpredictable so I don't risk it-he too is a rescue-and doesn't like old men-My lily lurcher is a sweetheart with everyone but will race off with me in hot pursuit with my others x

mamasmercantile said...

That made me smile, we used to use tactics like that with Mickey. He was never keen to get a bath. Like Beano he was wonderful with children.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...