Wednesday 11 May 2022

What day is it?

The days all run into one another, I think it's a Wednesday and if so it's cooked breakfast for Steve this morning.

We moved on Sunday, we went into the marina for a pump out, filled our water tank and got a Tesco delivery, this took until 1ish.

In theory it should have been an easy trip, just one lock but the couple at the lock couldn't move the lock gate. It is heavy but I can manage it. They both of them pushed the gate but couldn't budge it so the husband  climbed back on the boat! Steve and I went out and helped with the gate, eventually they were through the lock, a widebeam followed with very few crew so we helped them and finally it was our turn. By now I'd got the shakes and was desperate to moor up and rest but it was another hour and a half before we got through the lock and swing bridge and found somewhere to moor.

I'd arranged to meet up with a fellow crafter, she is running a craft creche at Glastonbury. I'd offered her all my leftover yarn,  40+ balls, she came over to collect it, she gave me two big bags of super chunky yarn and some size 10 needles to see if I can use them.

I'm wondering how many strands of super chunky I'd need to make jumbo yarn for arm knitting?

Monday some idiot left the lock paddle up, so at silly o'clock in the morning all the cupboard doors flew open, the boat was listing badly. There's about 6 or 7 boats in the same predicament but of course Steve's now in full on panic mode and I'm getting yelled at. I went back to the previous lock and let the water out plus some extra and we were soon floating again.

Yesterday I took my daughter out for a birthday lunch, it's not her birthday for a while yet but she happened to have a free day.


Diary of a Nobody said...

My husband has a tendancy to do what we call his headless chicken act , doing the tax form last week was fun , he rushed about and I filled in the form .

flis said...

I am having to try to keep a certain someone calm here too-I really am amazed that a seemingly normal person could go out to work for years and do complicated drawings-and he must have been normal once-but since his retirement he seems to have regressed to a tantrum attention seeking mardy arse x

lindsey said...

I know what you mean about all days blurring into one. Every retired person that I know suffers from the same thing. It sounds as though it was all go for you on moving day. Are you now settled for a little while?

Anonymous said...

If I'd known then what I'd learn about retirement now, we would've stayed employed. We would never have left our jobs because the days have become boring, annoying, predictable, uninteresting and grumpy. Of course, we quit because of the pandemic and, in our neck of the woods, hospitalizations and death numbers are now going back up AGAIN in a seventh wave ..... because literally EVERYONE has decided that the pandemic is over and refuse to take mediating measures. Yes, that includes mask wearing, distancing, home testing and all the other malarkey to avoid making ourselves and others sick. Life certainly has been upended for pretty much all of us and not in a good way. I hate retirement!!!

Chris said...

Wednesday is my day to have a bowl of porridge, well sprinkled with brown sugar and whole fat milk. The other days I just have yogurt and fruit. It's so good of you to help other, not so accomplished, boaters. Hope your efforts are reciprocated!

Siebrie said...

In my father's last year of work, the pension fund (together with the union he was a member of) did a week-long course on 'how to retire'. Participants could bring the person they thought they would spend most of their time with after retirement (usually a spouse, occasionally a best friend or adult child). They spent the week trying out different hobbies, talking with psychologists, planners, financial planners, etc., and had a proper plan of what to expect (emotionally, financially, socially, etc) after retirement, and how to deal with it, both individually and as a couple.
My father retired about 20 years ago, and every day he is still grateful he doesn't have to go back to work, and has time for his interests.

Lyssa Medana said...

The lock thing sounds scary. I suppose that you are getting the holiday makers who are on the canal for a week a year starting and stuff gets missed, forgotten or messed up. I hope that you and Steve have recovered.

Sue said...

Sometimes on Alexa can keep me on track as to what day it is!!

PatsyAnne said...

Hope everything is well with you all. Its been a week since your last post. I so enjoy following you on you journey.

Thieving barstewards!

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