Saturday, 18 June 2022


So anonymous doesn't like my posts even though he/she has been following me for years. Simple answer, bugger off and stop following me if I'm boring you.

That's what I do if I'm following a blog and it changes direction to something in not interested in I stop following it.

DD2 is trying to get me an appointment at the Dr's, she's worried about my mobility declining along with my vocabulary. They could both affected by lack of use but I think my social isolation could affect my vocabulary. Steve stopped wearing his hearing aids a few weeks ago, claiming they were hurting his ears. I gave up speaking to him as I was having to shout everything. I don't see anyone else to talk to apart from DD2. She has taken me shopping since we left the marina but from next week Steve will take over the shopping again.

I also need an audiology appointment, either my aids are failing or my ears are and I need to find out which. I'm pretty sure it's the vestibular schwanoma causing the problem but in my area they are not diagnosed in older people.

My eyesight has stopped changing and seems to have settled down, I'm no longer nauseous but my vision has declined. I can't get glasses, I've tried two or three opticians but with no luck.

So I apologise for moaning but having a cluster of medical problems at once is a bit inconvenient. I'm sadly lacking things to keep me entertained, I can watch a couple of tv programmes a week, Who do you think you are, and Sewing Bee. 

I knit but only with large needles and super bulky yarn and only for about half an hour.. I can't listen to the radio which is a shame, I miss listening to music and plays. But I find everything sounds so distorted, with tv I can have large subtitles up on screen.

On Monday we will visit the nearby pub for an Anniversary Meal, hopefully DD2 & DGS will come too.

We are still waiting to find out of we will have a place in the marina this winter as they are having building work done.

I need to try to sleep now so I must turn my light out


Jaccs said...

Big hugs,you make me feel protective towards you,I feel your frustration with everything, I hope you manage to get out with DD1 and have a good time, even if it’s shopping,you need an outlet away from Steve and everyday crap, take care, think of your self sometimes x

Rambler said...

It's very worrying when you have so many things going wrong physically & mentally, all making you so very isolated. I hope your daughter can help you get the help and attention you need. The interaction (or lack of it) between you and Steve must be very frustrating, even dangerous when you live together on a boat; I don't know how you cope. It doesn't sound like an idyllic way of living. I don't know what the solution is, but something has to change, surely? I'm glad you've got your lovely doggy friend.
- Rosemary x

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Anyone not understanding why you share about what is happening in your life should just move along. But if they gave any thought to the things in your life, they might realize that at any time they could be in some similar situation, or have some similar or even worse health problems turn up and open their eyes to how difficult daily living can be sometimes.

I am glad you are getting out and getting to spend time with your daughter and I wish you well. Take care.

WitchHazxlel said...

Ignore Anonymous comments, if they can't say who they are, they aren't worth worrying about.
Which part of the Thames are you going on? It's fine in a narrowboat from Oxford down to the tidal bit, although the expensive plastic boats are often nervous about heavy massive metal boat coming in the lock with them. The biggest challenge in the upper Thames I found was some of the mooring waiting for the locks, as narrowboats/widebeams have little manoeuvrability. Going downstream is really fast, the current carries you. Going upstream is really slow as you have to go 'fast' just to be faster than the current. Even the first part of the tidal bit down to Brentford, where it meets the Grand Union at Brentford. (Although I haven't done it on a wide beam, only a narrowboat).

We've come out at Limehouse on to the Thames a few times as well, and that was interesting. The first time i found it really overwhelming. Each time I've been relieved to get off it, too many humongous boats, too much wash, too little steering capability. I wouldn't want to do that in a wide beam

Catriona said...

I hope your daughter manages to get a Drs appointment for you. I agree that your lack of social contact could be affecting your vocabulary and the ability to chat with people is essential. Take card💕

Ellen D. said...

I hope medical help can get to the bottom of your problems and give you some relief. Let your daughter help you. You have always taken care of others and now it's your turn to be taken care of. Wishing you the best results...

Chris said...

I've always admired you and how you cope on your barge, so I do hope you can get your eye sight and hearing sorted, very miserable for you. And as for talking you can always talk to yourself, as they say the best advice is from yourself!

ShellyC said...

I'm sorry your dealing with all the 'crap' on your own.
You have to start looking after yourself and putting yourself first, some of the time. It's not easy I know but it has to be done!
Have you started considering going back to living on land?

Marjorie said...

Hugs and love. Moan away. I have been a total fan of you since I started reading the blog. More hugs.

Col said...

Anonymous is an ignorant, ill mannered twat, so don't waste any time or effort on her/him!
Do they honestly think that moving back to land would solve your health problems? That somehow a lack of water under you would suddenly sort out your eyesight and your hearing? That Steve would be back to the man you married, as his stroke after effects would just vanish?
If moving back onto land would fix your problems I'm sure you'd be back on terra firma with bells on!
I do worry about you being on the boat though, there are times when you're a long way from medical help etc, and being land based would possibly make your lives a lot easier, but I admit I don't understand the appeal of canal boat living, even on a wide beam. Obviously the 'peace and quiet' of the canals suits you and Steve, and you're an intelligent woman, you'll know if and when you wish to return to being a land lubber!
I love trips on canal boats, especially if it's an Afternoon Tea cruise, or a Fish & Chips evening trip, but as far as living on one, you're a far better, and braver woman than me!
Can you mither the life out of your GP until they attempt to find you someone who may be able to help with your eyes and ears?
These days I find you have to make a nuisance of yourself to get them to show any interest at all!!!
Hope it's not too hot where you are, it's 28 in our back garden today, which is why I'm indoors!
Take care, Col. X

LameWolf said...

Most definitely lack of practise, caused by lack of social contact, will affect your vocabulary.
After the first lockdown, I only spoke to my husband, who, having Parkinson's Disease which affects his speech, isn't a very communicative person, plus clients dropping off or collecting my guest dogs (who were few and far between,particularly during the first year), and they are in and out like a dose of salts, and don't hang around to chat, for two whole years.

The upshot was I forgot how to hold a conversation. I find myself struggling to dredge up the word I want. I also became scared of speaking to other people.

Even this post probably reads like a bit of a word salad, lol, but I'm gradually getting back to articulating reasonably well.

I don't have a solution, but yep, it's a "use it or lose it" scenario.

Like you say, m'friend. Keep Buggerin' On.

Jaccs said...

How are things going? I hope you are in a good place? Miss your blogs, take care 🤗

Lyssa Medana said...

Debby said...

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...