Monday, 25 March 2024

What a night!

Beano woke me up three times last night and I couldn't work out why.

Until that is, at 6:30 I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on and realised Steve had left two slices of roast beef on a plate on the work surface!

Once this was in the fridge Beano settled down and went to sleep.

I, on the other hand was wide awake and pottered around until Betty messaged me to see if I'd go with her to take Harry to the hospital for a scan. I agreed and off we went, Betty and I had lunch in the Costa while we waited for Harry, we get to do it all again on Wednesday. Harry has waited six to eight months for these appointments.

Margie we have more chance of winning the lottery ticket than getting any sort of medical appointment.

Kate, we are both in the same boat aren't we, as you say there is bugger all help available.

To the unknown who suggested I go bowling, you must have missed the posts about me going blind!

RunNRose, I will stop posting when I can no longer see well enough, until then, this is my outlet.


lindsey said...

Beano is like my dogs. They would certainly not give up making a fuss if there was food about 🤣. Take care and best wishes from Northern Ireland x

Anonymous said...

I’m impressed Beano only woke three times 😂 Liz

Ellen D. said...

Glad you can vent on your blog here. It helps to share your troubles!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could suggest something that would help , that you haven’t already thought of , but our health and social care system are broken , and the supports that should be available just aren’t there . Sometimes reaching out to a locally elected Councillor can help - or an MP - but I suspect that’s just another thing to have to do when you already have a lot on . Please do keep blogging - I suspect that some of the support you get here is a boost
Siobhan x

flis said...

I have to continually check around the kitchen to see what my h may have abandoned - he snacks excessively but skinny - He isn't pleased when I voice my concern x

MaryAnn Smith said...

There are always unintended consequences of taking any action that are not visible to the observer. I hope that you and Beano are having some quiet time.

Diane said...

I’m glad you have the blog to vent. I won’t offer any well meaning advice. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before. I want you to know that I’m thinking about you and sending you good thoughts.

Heather said...

Beano has a good sense of smell to have you up three times for the possibility of a beef treat. Our rescue Lhapa Apso is the only dog we have owned or looked after that is not motivated by food. He does sometimes woof very gently in the middle of the night, not to go out, but for a cuddle.
Glad Beano had a fun run around today, lovely to watch dogs playing.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...