Monday 20 May 2024

In my day.

I've noticed some people are posting about their nonasthetic lifestyle.

I gather this means you are untidy and don't have a life where everything matches. You live a life where things aren't beautiful.

I need to adopt this term, nothing in my flat matches and I don't care!

When my children were small I never could stand the competitive mothers and I intentionally stepped back from them. 

I couldn't stand the constant boasting, the "my child is learning the piano and is going to be a concert pianist" or the "my child is reading at two years old and is going to be the next Einstein".


Sue said...

For 'non-asthetic' ... I just read normal.
There is nothing worse than a home that is matched to the 100th degree with everything in it's place and shiny, I am usually too scared to sit down and if I do I find myself plumping the cushions when I get up. A home should be lived in and show that it is.

Sooze said...

Yep, I agree with Sue above - a home is for living in comfortably, and if it's got dog hairs on the sofa, well so what, the dog lives here too!

Heather said...

While our home is not untidy anymore as we are past the children, small grandchildren stage, everything definitely does not match and is comfortable and lived in. Agree with Sue and Sooze, yes we have a dog who sometimes sits on the furniture, this one does not shed but cost money grooming regularly.

flis said...

Well I never - I've well and truly acheived that- I am most proud to say x

Anonymous said...

I grew up with nothing matching, it doesn't matter does it. My house is lived in it's quite old fashioned I suppose, but we like it & it's clean enough - there is most likely dog hair on the bed & in every nook and cranny because he's access all areas and it's his home too! Our home is not perfect but it's comfortable and we relax in it. A home is to live in not just to show off, Dog hair, don't care!

Ellen D. said...

My home has always been a welcoming home and I have never fussed about keeping it perfect. I like it when people feel comfortable and at ease.

Lyssa Medana said...

When I was newly married, I fell into this trap. Now I'm almost actively against it because if you get a set of something it always seems to work out that only one of the set is perfect for the job and at least one piece of the set is downright uncomfortable to use. I'd rather get stuff one by one so that it does the job rather than worry about matching.

I'm going to check out that unaesthetic look. It sounds like it may be fun to see that take!

kate steeper said...

i was somewhat worried that the kitchen designer from the council seemed to think id be buying everything new to match the new kitchen dream on

Happiness hoover.

Yes I know it's plastic tat, as are most Christmas decorations. I won't see any Christmas decorations lit up as I don't walk aft...