Tuesday, 21 May 2024


The on going tainted blood scandal rumbles on.

I received a blood transfusion at around that time, I was lucky, mine wasn't tainted.

It did mean that I had to lie about it for years afterwards whenever I applied for a mortgage.

I had to lie and claim that I'd never received a blood transfusion.

Fortunately my first mother in law never knew about my transfusion, if she had she'd have told everyone I had Aids.

She was a bundle of fun!


Sooze said...

So did that mean it was known years ago that blood could be tainted, I wonder?

50 and counting said...

When you buy blood and blood products from prisoners and drug addicts you are looking for trouble.

The actor Paul Michael Glaser aka Starsky lost his wife due to tainted blood. She received a transfusion after a delivery. They established an AIDS charity in her name.

pj said...

So that means that you have been affected by the scandal I wonder if you could get compensation for the worry involved even though as you said you were lucky not to have been affected

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...