Tuesday, 26 November 2024

New mattress covers

Steve is unwell, he stayed home today despite this being one of his going out days.

I stripped the bed once he got up, washed the bedding to remove all evidence of him being unwell.

I need to replace the mattress cover, I've ordered two new ones from Amazon, one will be here tomorrow, I will strip the bed again tomorrow and swap out the mattress cover.

I've suggested he starts wearing pyjamas in bed or at the least a pair of underpants. 

I'm now wondering if this was just as a result of something he ate/drank or is it a symptom of something more serious.

He flatly refuses to visit the Drs, that's if he could even get an appointment.


Rambler said...

It's all but impossible to insist on him seeing a doctor - but if it happens again, you need help with coping - with his stubbornness and with his well-being. There's no way you can be expected to cope on your own. Maybe you can ask for a District Nurse to call, or even advise you on what help is available. (((((Hester)))))

kate steeper said...

With himself having a spinal problem i can empathise on the bed problem , i would suggest getting a pack of draw sheets for the bed truly horrible to lie on but he may take the hint about wearing underwear

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...