Saturday, 23 November 2024

Road salt.

Earlier this week the gardening company arrived at 7:30 a.m.

They proceeded to sprinkle road salt on all our paths, this is a great idea as many of the residents are elderly and unsteady.

Unfortunately our Mrs Slocombe didn't agree, she was was worried that her cat would get sore feet so she went out and swept up all the salt on site!

I do have some sympathy with her as the road salt affects Beano and makes his feet very sore. Because of this I wash his feet when we come in from a walk.

I think it would be better if she washed her cats feet rather than putting all the residents at risk.

If I'd fallen after she'd swept up the salt I'd have been very tempted to sue her.


Sue said...

Oh gosh such a dangerous thing for her to have done, so selfish too. A quick wipe down with a wet cloth would have sorted her cats feet out no problem.

Anonymous said...

Surely a bigger risk for the cat is that it would lick its paws to get the salt off. Too much salt might well be poisonous. However, most cats are quite canny and it might simply choose to walk on places that are not salted paths. Perhaps the management company could have chosen a safety treatment that did not include salt. With best wishes, Marty Leisure boater and cat lover.

ShellyC said...

Yes, I would sue as well

flis said...

I wash my dogs feet too - She should do the same x

RuthW in MD said...

I don't like to admit this....but since the word "cat" is spelled "car" in your blog post, I sort of thought that this was a cute way to talk about a car. It wasn't until I read the comments that I realized "car" was supposed to be "cat." THEN the worry about salt made more sense. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

yes, agree with this, very dangerous, i wonder who would be liable if someone falls because of her having done this, me thinks this need reporting

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...