Tuesday 25 August 2015

Sqished tits and deaf aid repair

We went to the hospital today, we had to be up at six and on the early bus to get there in time.
I went to have a mammogram, my boobs are big & floppy so I never find it painful.
My L&M went to get replacement ends for his hearing aids, he collected batteries for mine and his hearing aids whilst he was there.
When we finished we went to the nearest 'spoons for their traditional breakfast egg, bacon, hash browns, sausage, beans, toast and a cuppa, when we got our meals we swapped a few things around, I gave him my sausage & stole his tomato, I ate my toast dry and gave him my butter.
We then caught the bus home, I put the kettle on for another cuppa and by the time I'd made the tea it was lashing down with rain, we got home just in time.

1 comment:

TrishWish said...

I hate those mama things - I got to one once in a van thing at the top of a steep hiil all hot and sweaty and it was a nightmare! Breakfast out sounds nice!

Best off in my pocket.

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