Monday, 25 July 2016


If I try hard enough I can probably find a part of me that doesn't ache.

Yup, found it, my eyelashes  don't ache, goody.

Today Helen and I went to Lizzie's house and between us we gutted the garden, we did 3 tip runs, filled 2 hippo bags and had a visit from the scrap man.

The previous owner loved ivy and the garden is over run with it, once we cut it back the garden was a metre wider.

The children now have a garden they can play in for the summer holidays

We will go again next week and do some indoor work, Helen is having Lizzie's 12, 9 and 6 year to stay over a few times, I will have the 18 month old to stay at the same time to give Lizzie a break.

We were there from 9 until 4, I went from there to a colleagues house to collect her keys, I am feeding her cats, fishes and watering her plants and garden for 3 weeks.

From there I came home and made supper for my L&M and took it up to him, I'll go back and collect him at 9 or 10 when he finishes.

I then returned home and took out the recycling, 1 wheely bin, 1 large bag and 2 boxes, one of card, one of glass.

Phew, feet up with a cold drink now and then maybe a jacket potato for me.


Margie from Toronto said...

I'm exhausted just reading this! I know that you help out the family a lot but I do hope that you remember to give yourself a wee break now and again.

Anonymous said...

Well done you! It's wonderful how much love and care you manage to share round your family. Hope you're going to have some time for you and your LM when you are off work. Catriona

Hard up Hester said...

Today is ret day for me, I'm doing paperwork, sewing and writing.
My L&M is on holiday in 2 weeks time we will spend time together then.

Hard up Hester said...

Rest day, not ret.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...