Sunday, 10 July 2016

Weekend babysit, Saturday

Eileen and Norah woke about 7am Saturday morning, I gave them and Suzy, who was still awake, breakfast, bagels, cereals and pancakes. Then I cleared the table, got out the box of felt tips and a big pack of coloured foam stickers and glitter shapes I found in B&M for £2.50.

DGS woke up about 8:30, he wanted scrambled egg on toast. After he'd eaten Suzy was tired so I put her in her cot and she went to sleep. Being a cruel nana I only let her sleep for an hour and then woke her up.

I cooked toasted cheese and ham sandwiches for lunch then Suzy and Eileen watched TV, Norah played a dragon game on my computer for an hour.

DGS went to play with a friend for the afternoon and I made play doh with Eileen and Norah.

After tea, lasagne, garlic bread and salad with ice cream for dessert they went in the garden to play with the rest of the water balloons.

Suzy  went to bed at 5:30 after a bath, she had climbed into one of the raised beds and was covered in compost, even her nappy was full of compost, she went straight to sleep.

Eileen and Norah went to bed a 6 and 6:30 respectively and both went straight to sleep.

DGS & I went up at 9:30 and also both went straight to sleep.

1 comment:

Margie from Toronto said...

You are an amazing Grandma - I'd love to see that social worker who told you that you weren't doing enough cope the way that you do!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...