Saturday, 24 November 2018

The wrong coal

As we can't get out on to the cut we cannot buy our coal from the fuel boat.
He is not allowed in the marina.
So we are stuck having to buy our coal from the marina, it's £15  bag instead of £11 and it doesn't burn well.
Still needs must, without it we'd freeze.
As soon as we are able we will move out for a couple of days to somewhere that the fuel boat can get to.


Margie from Toronto said...

That's a big markup! Hope you are able to move soon. Will you stay in one spot for the winter or will you continue to move around a bit?

Hard up Hester said...

We are booked into the marina until March but as soon as CHS feels up to it we will take the boat out.

nina naomi kenyon said...

I am liking your blog even though it's so very different from mine. I love that people who are more or less like each other connect and people who are more or less different from each other connect. Anyway, so glad I found your blog. Thank you.

Marty (leisure boater) said...

It is possible to order a supply of 'the right sort of coal' from a local coal merchant and have it delivered to a family member's home nearby. Then you could pick up one or two bags in your car as needed.

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Marty, no one in the family has room for a coal delivery but another boater collected four bag of good coal for us this morning when he went to get his own. So we are sorted for a while now.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...