Friday, 2 November 2018

How bloody much

I spent £86 on parking whilst visiting CHS in hospital!

Fortunately although I ate in the hospital cafeteria or bought something from the M&S foodhall in the hospital every day I never spent more than £4 a day so only £28 in total.

If I'd had to use public transport it would have been cheaper but added a couple of hours a day to the journey time.


Rambler said...

It's a complete rip-off, isn't it? Hospital car parks are usually (always?) owned and organised by private firms - and they have you over a barrel: if you want to be with someone who is very poorly in the hospital, you PAY!!! I understand that if it's a long-term patient, there are discounts to be had, but even so it's terrible that you had to pay all that money out over just 4 days. And that's without the transport costs, considering it's possibly (as in your case) the wage-earner who is now no longer earning. Diabolical!!!

Eilidh said...

Everyone needs to write to the government and complain. Parking in hospital car parks in Scotland is free.

Lyssa Medana said...

When I had bear, a nurse advised DH not to pay for parking, as the fines were less than it would cost to park.

Hope all is going well there. Continuing to send good vibes LM x

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think everyone complains about hospital car park prices. It is one of the very few perks of having a disabled badge = I get such parking free.

Chris said...

It's the same here. And it's not just hospitals. When I go to my ophthalmologist next week I will park a couple of blocks away on a side street just to avoid the $20 + it would cost at the medical building. And she always keeps me waiting so it would be even more!

Poppypatchwork said...

I had the same issues with my hubby being in hospital for 12 days, with fuel I spent over £200, it's a crime to have to add these cost when you are dealing with all the other issues.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...