Thursday, 13 August 2020

Blogging may be sporadic

 Our internet is on the fritz, my phone is broken, Beano was sick in the car and Steve could start an argument in an empty room.


Ellen D. said...

Sorry you are having a bad day. Hope things are better tomorrow!

Beacee said...

Some days just have to be endured. Sending positive thoughts for a better day tomorrow. Hope the thumb is settling and not too painful. Hugs x

flis said...

Take a deep breath and Relax somewhere if possible.Do you think it's the heat with Beano? x

linda said...

An argument in a empty room. Haha!
Never heard that before.
Good one.


Carol Caldwell said...

I feel your pain. Hope things are a bit better soon. We will still be here.

The Weaver of Grass said...

You sound to be having a tough time - hope soon that things improve all round.

kelley said...

I'd be crying Uncle real loud, just in case

Chris said...

Poor Beano! Hope he feels better soon. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Col said...

Stiff upper lip and all that Sue, this too shall pass, maybe not soon enough, but it will eventually!
As for Steve starting an argument in an empty room, my family have been saying that about me for many years now, and although I hate to admit it, it's probably true! I collect Leah Stein brooches, and my son even bought me the one named 'Quarrelsome Cat'!
I wish I knew what Kelley means by 'Crying Uncle', I assume it's an Americanism, but I have no idea what it's all about! X

Carol Caldwell said...

I too was perplexed by crying uncle.

Joyce said...

“Crying uncle”. Just means “ I give up!”. Didn’t know it was peculiar to us Yanks

Col said...

Thanks Joyce, That's another one sorted!
I know a lot of the food name differences; Coriander/Cilantro, Courgette/Zucchini, Aubergine/Eggplant,Candy Floss/Cotton Candy, Smoked Salmon/Lox, Porridge/Oatmeal, Chips/Fries etc, but Crying Uncle had me Befuddled/Confused! x

Theresa Y said...

When it rains it pours. I hope Beano feels better soon. Here's to better days for you and everyone. 2020 SUCKS!

Carol Caldwell said...

I googled "crying uncle" after my comment (should have done it before my comment!). I have never heard that saying before.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the British equivalent is "Oh, for crying out loud!"

Look after yourself, Hester, you know where your friends are (when you can get a decent internet connection)


Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...