Sunday, 2 August 2020


Yesterday's journey was calmer, we were mainly travelling through open country so apart from a few fishermen we saw very few people. We only cruised for a couple of hours as Steve was struggling with fatigue because he'd insisted on cruising for 5 hours the day before. What with the locks and mooring up and then moving again when there was space on the visitor moorings, it was all too much for him.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Glad you had a calmer day - perhaps a day's rest today would be good.

JanF said...

Some of your days sound extremely tiring and I imagine that you don't always know if it will be a hard day ahead or not. I agree with Weave, good to have some quiet time alternating with the busy. You are a most energetic woman, I am impressed.

Hard up Hester said...

I'm hoping for a peaceful day today Weaver, I've taken painkillers for my back.

Jan, I'm actually incredibly lazy.

New mattress covers

Steve is unwell, he stayed home today despite this being one of his going out days. I stripped the bed once he got up, washed the bedding to...