Monday, 24 August 2020

How much!

 I looked into getting a piece of equipment that would enable me to hear the tv as I can't see the subtitles anymore. It would also enable me to listen to music and follow conversations.

The cost was somewhere between £500 & £750.

A huge cost, but I don't need to worry, there isn't one available that works with my hearing aids!

It seems I have been provided with the incorrect aids, I can either pay privately or wait 3 years until I'm allowed new aids.


kelley said...

grrr...the medical systems around the world are shameful...

Rambler said...

Noooo! Surely if you have been issued with the wrong aids, you have a right to ask for the correct ones that will actually help you? Do you want to borrow my son? He has the knack of learning all the info about them, then being able to strongly persuade the powers-that-be to do the right thing! As my Mum would have said - he has the gift of the gab!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Surely there has to be a way round this - have you contacted your MP to fight on your behalf?

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Keep telling them that the aids are not working, or you could lose them and pay for new ones (much cheaper than going private) But do keep on at them, they should get it right. You deserve it Hester.
We both have hearing aids and have solved the tv problem with head phones.
Kathy xx

keth said...

do you have a T-switch on them, Hester? If so, you should be able to get equipment that will work with it - loops and that kind of thing and they aren't expensive (they've been around 30-40 years). If you don't have a t-switch then I think you need to complain as they are fairly standard with aids. if you DO have a t-switch, have a look at action on hearing loss's website - they have a shop, its where I get my loop things to work with my phone. Some things there are expensive but it does depend on what you want. good luck!!

Jean said...

As Kathy says above - the aids are not working correctly for you so contact your hearing aid clinic. You are entitled to go any day the clinic is open for repairs. The NHS clinic local to us now doesn't do appointments for repairs you just go and wait, if you ring they'll tell you when the quietest times are. We've lived in various parts of the country and the NHS hearing drop in clinics have all been the same. It's not true that you have to wait years for new aids, when my husbands aid stopped working we went to the drop in clinic, a new one was ordered and he waited 4 weeks for it. Last time he had a problem and needed a completely different sort of aid he waited 6 weeks for it. A lost aid was replaced in approximately the same time. These were all in different parts of the country as we move around for his work. Whoever told you that you have to wait 3 years is wrong. I don't know if there might be a delay to some things because of the Covid situation as we haven't needed to go during this time.

Also if you can't see the subtitles then perhaps you need a sight test? As far as I know they are happening as normal now.

Col said...

Don't just give in, keep mithering the 'powers that be'. If you can't hear properly with the aids you have, then they're clearly wrong for you, and need changing. You are entitled to these things on the NHS, and it's wrong that you have to fight for them, but I'm sure if you persist you'll get aids which work for you, and the 'fight' would probably do you good as well, it'd give you something to really get your teeth into!
Keep on buggering on Sue! X

Anonymous said...

just a thought not a dig xx like a lot of women you appear to put everyones needs before your own so if this problem was being suffered by one of your kids you would pay (of you had the money) to sort it I know you would so would I and admire you for it. So if you have the cash get it sorted x

ShellyC said...

When my other half lost his hearing aid, yet again. One of the dogs had chewed it all up!!
So on inquiring about a new one, he got one for free.

Anonymous said...

Many people pay privately for aids as they're the ones that aren't visible to others, I'm wondering why, as you have the necessary funds, that you aren't doing the same?

keth said...

ShellyC - hah, you've reminded me of an incident from my childhood. I've been deaf since I was a small child and my parents used to put my hearing aids in for me in the morning, and take them out before bed. They were left on the coffee table overnight. only, um. one night the dog ate them. my mother was terrified of calling the clinic, expecting to be bawled out by them. She started the call with "something's happened to the hearing aids"... "oh yes?" ... "the dog ate them". There was a long moment of silence, then a bark of laughter. Apparently they were expecting for her to say that they'd gone in the washing machine/down the loo/left in the garden or incidents of that nature. It was the first time they'd had a dog chew on them! Its probably the moulds... as disgusting as it sounds to us, they probably smell enticing to dogs. Since then my aids have been out of reach of any dogs around!

JanF said...

We paid $6,000 for my husband's hearing aids. Wearing a mask has proved awkward with them. The first week we parked at a store, put on our masks and went shopping. As we left and got close to our car I saw a flash of silver in the leaves on the ground where cars were going in and out. I said " Someone has lost a hearing aid". Sure enough it was ours. He wouldn't have noticed until much later. We were very lucky that no car had smashed it and that we found it , now we are super careful to check he has them in safely after we remove our masks.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...